Evidently farmers are not meant to be bloggers. At least not last year. We started this here blog (or Almanac, as we call it) back in January of ought nine, and so far our track record has been abysmal. It is not that we didn't have anything to report--quite the contrary. Rather, we were just so busy in 2009 that we didn't take the proper time to report our escapades on the intertubes for the rest of the world to see.
This year, in an effort to make all our followers feel better about themselves, Growing Washington has decided to try once again to run the coolest blog this side of the Nooksack, and that side of the Skagit.
2010 is a new year. Our loyal readers (all six of you) can expect regular farm updates, exciting news about Growing Washington and its many projects, breathtaking photography, sweet-ass recipes, farmer antics, updates on our latest disasters, and award-winning journalism. You will receive the complete and low-down Dirt on Growing Washington.